Group of Theatre of the Oppressed Montevideo (GTO Montevideo) was a collective that operated in Montevideo from 2011 to 2017. This chapter traces a path through this group’s work against the lowering of the age of sentencing as an adult in Uruguay, spanning 2011–2014, in dialogue with the actions of the Comision Nacional No a la Baja and the opinions of its members. The sociopolitical context accompanying GTO Montevideo’s emergence was one of high tension surrounding the criminalization of adolescence, particularly of poor adolescents. From the beginning of the process of theatrical investigation, GTO saw the necessity of joining forces with other social and political actors. GTO Montevideo’s participation in the Commission began in April of 2011 with weekly meetings held at the offices of the Federation of University Students. GTO participated in other activities such as roundtables or discussions in which the scene was the kickoff or the closing event.