This chapter focuses on relation between the author’s discussion about appropriation and dominance, and the discussion about cyclical and linear rhythms, and discusses Henri Lefebvre perspectives on the transformation of nature. Although some authors argue that Lefebvre conceptualisations about the production of nature fall short in comparison with his works on the production of space. The chapter discusses the history of its transformation according to Lefebvre, and the concepts of appropriation, dominance, the linear, and the cyclical, and analyzes Lefebvre’s notion of ‘second nature’ and explain how thinking in terms of cyclical appropriations and linear dominance can be useful for conceptualising the transformation of nature. As two modes of production that coexist in everyday life, looking at linear dominance and cyclical appropriations offers another kind of dialectical thinking beyond the spatial triad. It offers a perspective on ‘second nature’ as a synthesis between two modes of relating human activity and nature.