This chapter defines communication in the context of projects. Communication on projects should be designed to help the project deliver its objectives by: managing engagement with stakeholders, ensuring there is effective communication within the team; helping the project to identify and manage risks and issues; and aligning activity and messaging with the wider organisation, where appropriate. A good communication strategy is a bit like a business case in that it sets out the rationale for a particular approach, with a budget. There are many communication planning models, for example the RADAR model by Dr Kevin Ruck. All strategic communication planning models follow a similar approach of: research, stakeholder identification, objective setting, strategic approach, content, and evaluation. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. There are many personality profiling techniques, but MBTI is perhaps the most useful from a communication perspective.