The Narrative Experience Framework proposed by my collaborator Damon Pfaff, integrates brands into the story of individual users in a compelling continuum. There are many explorations of narrative arcs in a variety of disciplines including literary theory, film, gaming and education. It is through exploring the narrative aspects of an experience that one can create brands that deeply connect with users on a profoundly human level. In self-reflection, most of the people have a tacit understanding of what events are plot. However, the way that users experience, internalize, understand and communicate about their experiences will never be neutral; it will be heavily loaded with attitudes and emotional baggage. The narrative experience framework consists of six phases are birth, rise, ritual, decline, death and retelling, or qualities of experience, which can be mapped to moments in a user journey. These narratives will draw on archetypical moments that can be built into deeply transformative stories and commentaries on a brand.