Throughout the course of Thomas Moore's career, people find a constant preoccupation with politics in his poetry, prose, and personal writings, particularly in relation to Ireland and how he viewed its governance by England both during his own lifetime and in the centuries preceding this. Moore's censure of the Holy Alliance first comes across in The Fudge Family in Paris, which appeared in 1818, and it is a text that must be briefly considered here for a fuller understanding of Fables for the Holy Alliance, Rhymes on the Road, &c. &c. The ideas explored in The Fudge Family in Paris are continued in Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress that appeared a year later in 1819. Undoubtedly Moore was one of many Romantic writers who directly engaged with the ever-shifting political landscape of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and they all approached what was occurring both domestically and internationally during this tumultuous period in differing ways.