The Mavericks affiliated "for the purpose of advancing liberal and progressive legislation" designed to eliminate "special privilege" and to ensure "economic and social justice" for everyone. They advocated federal regulation of the credit system and congressional control of the value and issue of money, government ownership of "all natural resources and monopolies vested with a public interest," federal aid to education, the creation of a social security system, and the funding of public works at the prevailing wage. In 1934 the electorate swept into office a sizeable number of congressmen nourished on that radical tradition. During the 74th Congress they organized as the Progressive Open Forum Discussion Group, commonly referred to by the press as the Mavericks. New York City contributed Republican Vito Marcantonio, the "Pink Pachyderm of Congress"and the former campaign manager for Fiorello La Guardia, Republican of New York. As the new Congress assembled, left-wing members began discussion about organizing to facilitate "progressive" cooperation.