This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book is concerned with the relationships between state policies and educational practices in both the UK and in regions that have experienced significant Islamicate extremism locally. It explores the ways in which national UK policies are implemented in a specific local context, contrasting the implementation of national policy with a local, grassroots anti-extremism initiative. The book examines how the achievement of a balance between freedom of speech and religious freedom, and critiquing ideologies is hindered by inconsistencies within existing policy, concluding with practical advice for educators faced with this policy-practice dilemma. It offers a theoretical framework through which transnational extremisms can be better understood. The book is also concerned with the reconceptualising and refurbishment of liberal education and criticality. It explores how education might play a role in 'directing young people's enthusiasm and idealism into creative channels'.