This chapter discusses various approaches to jazz reharmonization. It begins by considering two contrasting approaches to harmony: vertical and horizontal. Basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques of reharmonization are discussed. The terms harmonization and reharmonization are somewhat related to one another as they describe the process of fleshing out chord progressions with fully or partially realized harmonic structures. The term reharmonization employed in this chapter refers to both processes: realization and harmonic reworking. The process of reharmonization, then, uses both the original and any modified chord progressions to render fully or partially realized harmonic formations. The independent nature of Bach's inner voices implies a linear approach to reharmonization, each note of the melody is supported by a single harmonic formation, as indicated by the Roman numerals and lead-sheet symbols. In this reharmonization, the relationship between the melody and the tritone substitution is not as convincing as it is in the original chord progression.