This chapter legitimizes the Gothic conventions, not merely as a reiteration of imported literary genres, but rather as a reformulation of the Gothic code in accordance with the coordinates mapped by Gothic Postmodernism and the globalgothic. In our postmodern times, the vampire remains a favorite and recurrent character in the global Gothic imagination, and Peruvian literature is no exception. In short, vampires personify the symbiosis between the beautiful and the sinister, an apparent antithesis which, as is well known, underpins the romantic sentiment largely identified to date with the flights of fancy that constitute the nature of the Gothic. Sarah Ellen, an English woman who died and was buried on 9 June 1913 in the coastal city of Pisco, constitutes a paradoxical "historical" Gothic myth in contemporary popular Peruvian culture. In line with the chronological periods established by Honores, this work reprises the most classic modes and themes of the "vampire Gothic".