This chapter describes a gender-responsive approach to intervention, which must be integrated into the women’s real world, including issues affecting their families and their victims. It provides advice to practitioners concerning treatment within the context of the good lives model of rehabilitation (GLM), which focuses on helping the women find ways of meeting their fundamental human needs in positive, non-abusive ways. The chapter also describes application of the GLM and use of the Assessment Framework for Female Sexual Abusers Version 2 in formulation of treatment needs. It considers the importance of appropriate practitioner/therapist style and how to help women manage fear of change, fear of feelings, and negative thoughts. The chapter also considers how to identify and work with offence pathways, help the women manage sexual thoughts and fantasies, and sexual and non-sexual relationships, and better understand children. It concludes with a focus on how to aid the women to develop coping strategies and plan an abuse-free new.