This chapter describes continuing explorations into the role of mindful walking within 'Earth-based' or 'holistic eco art therapy'; mindful-movement-based, systemic and outdoor approaches divergent from traditional psychodynamic art therapy. The relationship between walking, art-making, subjective mind-body state and responsive 'field' can be explored in the light of literary and other cultural traditions, current neuroscience and observations of occurrences in art-therapy practice. Walking occurs in art therapy, incidentally, in how the client arrives, enters, moves within and leaves the therapy studio, and more intentionally, in structured procedures which may be suggested for specific art therapeutic purposes. Earth-based art therapy draws inspiration from indigenous cultures which might be said not to have lost, or be seeking, connection with nature, but to embody and celebrate their place in the 'great mystery' of nature. Archetypal images of walks and walkers occur across cultures, from walking meditations to trans-continental hikes.