Many of the goals of research on conceptual metaphor in science education overlap with the goals of

research on conceptual change. The relevance of a conceptual metaphor perspective to the study of

conceptual change has already been discussed. However, a substantial body of literature on

conceptual metaphor in science education has now emerged. This work has not yet been

synthesized or related explicitly to the goals of conceptual change research. This paper first

presents a broad sketch of the study of conceptual change, characterizing the goals of this body of

work, its contributions to date, and identifying open questions. Next, the literature on conceptual

metaphor in science education is reviewed against this background. The review clarifies the

natural theoretical connections between the conceptual metaphor perspective and the

phenomenon of conceptual change. It then examines the contributions made by the literature on

conceptual metaphor in science education to the goals of research on conceptual change-

namely, characterizing student conceptions, identifying obstacles to learning, understanding the

process of conceptual change, and designing productive pedagogical strategies that could achieve

conceptual change. The paper concludes with a discussion of further avenues for research into

conceptual change, suggested by adopting a conceptual metaphor perspective.