Many studies have previously focused on how people with different levels of expertise solve physics

problems. In early work, focus was on characterising differences between experts and novices and a

key finding was the central role that propositionally expressed principles and laws play in expert, but

not novice, problem-solving. A more recent line of research has focused on characterising continuity

between experts and novices at the level of non-propositional knowledge structures and processes

such as image-schemas, imagistic simulation and analogical reasoning. This study contributes to

an emerging literature addressing the coordination of both propositional and non-propositional

knowledge structures and processes in the development of expertise. Specifically, in this paper,

we compare problem-solving across two levels of expertise-undergraduate students of chemistry

and Ph.D. students in physical chemistry-identifying differences in how conceptual metaphors

(CMs) are used (or not) to coordinate propositional and non-propositional knowledge structures

in the context of solving problems on entropy. It is hypothesised that the acquisition of expertise

involves learning to coordinate the use of CMs to interpret propositional (linguistic and

mathematical) knowledge and apply it to specific problem situations. Moreover, we suggest that

with increasing expertise, the use of CMs involves a greater degree of subjective engagement with

physical entities and processes. Implications for research on learning and instructional practice

are discussed.