Life expectancy has never been so high in developed countries according to the World Health Organization. Nowadays, the desire to maintain a young image and healthy appearance is omnipresent in both genders. The integumentary system includes the skin and accessory structures. The skin is formed by three main layers: the epidermis, an epithelial layer of ectodermal origin; the dermis, a layer of mesodermal connective tissue; and the hypodermis, or subcutaneous tissue, a layer of loose connective tissue that connects the skin to the muscles or bones. Epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin, is mainly formed by stratified squamous keratinized epithelial tissue. Microinjections in the superficial dermis can contribute to recover an ideal physiologic environment by improving the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, cell activity, and skin hydration. Chemical peelings consist of a chemical ablation of the exposed tissue. Dermabrasion is the process of uniform mechanical abrasion of the skin, and consequently removes or reduces superficial wrinkles.