This chapter focuses on the Motivational Interventions for Drugs and Alcohol misuse in Schizophrenia therapy approach for psychosis-substance use problems. It draws on previous descriptions, and provides more detail with an extended case study. The chapter describes the model that underpins the therapeutic approach and reviews the current understanding of interactions between psychosis and substances. It analyses the heuristic model is used to guide the therapeutic approach. The consensus is that integrated treatment should be the standard approach for evidence-based treatment. The components of integrated programmes have included motivational interventions, assertive outreach, intensive case management, group and individual counselling and family interventions. There are some indications that motivational interviewing can be successfully used with people experiencing psychosis-substance use problems while cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be effective for the symptoms of psychosis. Motivational interviewing when integrated with cognitive behavioural therapy is a promising approach to working alongside people experiencing psychosis and substance use problems.