This chapter discusses the broader national, federal and local policy frameworks, of which deradicalisation and disengagement programmes are part, also known as countering violent extremism (CVE). It focuses on how deradicalisation and disengagement are organised on a local level, highlighting the multi-agency and tailor-made approach. The chapter deals with several reflections on the Benelux exit approach and how the effectiveness of these programmes can be further improved. The Dutch national and local CVE programmes came to an end in 2012, because violent extremism was not considered a serious threat any more by security services. Exit programmes can be undertaken at different stages: to prevent imprisonment, during imprisonment or after imprisonment. The Radicalisation Awareness Network Collection underlines that exit programmes require a multi-agency approach, properly trained staff knowledgeable on the issue of violent extremism and specific competences in terms of, for example, relationship formation and communication skills.