This chapter describes four current interests in psychology/spirituality. These are forgiveness, the effects of shock, the future of the planet, and non-duality, or questioning the existence of a separate 'I'. In truth the non-dual approach transcends all approaches and paths. Teachers in this field include the great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi, and more recently Jeff Foster, Byron Katie, Roger Linden, Jac O'Keeffe (these can all be found by googling Conscious TV). Ramana Maharshi used to describe this approach as using a thorn to get out another thorn, using mind to go beyond mind. And this idea is quite radical for the future of Humanistic Psychology, using it to go beyond it, to question the existence of the separate 'I' is to question the need for a psychology of it. John was very instrumental in helping to spread Humanistic Psychology in Britain.