Landscape biography is an approach that is often used both in practice and in research for the purpose of analysing and exploring the history of a landscape. In this chapter we present the background, conceptual principles and sources of landscape biography as a means aimed at informing landscape design and planning which researchers have developed for understanding landscapes (Roymans et al. 2009; Bosma and Kolen 2010; Kolen et al. 2015a). Landscape biography is particularly useful in cases where, for the purpose of considering future landscape transformations, knowledge is needed about long-term landscape changes, about regional and local heritage, and about historical narratives of space and place. This chapter starts by explaining the rationale for using landscape biography in landscape research. It then provides a conceptual framework, followed by a description of principles and of methods, including sources of information, data collection techniques and so on. Examples of landscape biography application are discussed in more detail, and its potential for the study of urban landscapes is explored.