This chapter overviews the major advancements in the services sector in the European Union (EU) from a historical perspective. It introduces the single European regulatory framework for the services sector. The Treaty of Rome of 1957 establishing the European Economic Community envisaged the establishment of a common market among the some participating member states. Liberalisation is carried out in a sectorial approach, starting with an investigation, continuing in liberalisation by legislation and, preferably, ending in liberalised markets. There are two packages of measures ensuring the smooth operation of the Single Market: Single Market Acts first and second. Liberalisation is a continuing process in the EU Single Market, far from complete. Unlike business services, the construction service sector's European integration is rather low. In 2015, knowledge-intensive services accounted for more than 56 per cent of all services sector employment, which means 87.8 million jobs. The Digital Economy and Society Index measures the EU's digital performance along some dimensions.