Spirituality is connected to the earth and is, therefore, a part of the human ecology and history of particular sites and places. M. Henderson's response to the question focuses upon the geography of the spiritual. She argues that spirituality is a subject that can be approached by people working in many different disciplines and, indeed, working in transdisciplinary modes. Paul Cloke and J. D. Dewsbury, writing in 2009, take up the challenge of thinking through the relationship between spirituality and space. The spiritual is about more than religious beliefs and practices and the creation of sacred sites and spaces. Holloway's and Valins' aim is to draw out the different ways that spirituality and space are entangled through notions of scale. Spirituality, through its performances and practices, proliferates through everyday life, often in ways that go unrecognised and unacknowledged, sometimes in ways that are easily dismissed and disavowed. The chapter also presents an overview of key concepts disussed in this book.