The manufacturers of Tarare get a great deal of crochet embroidery done in the mountains of the Lyonnais. Thimonnier, while watching the young women at work, conceived the idea of the sewing machine. Female prisoners who worked at sewing machines, have not been able to stand the fatigue with the ordinary prison diet. They were obliged to be allowed supplementary rations; broth and boiled beef every day, roast meat twice a week. A French engineer, Monsieur H. Cazal, has invented a little electric motor which, by its combination with the sewing machine, resolves the problem. On touching a button, the machinery turns, exactly as if an invisible workwoman were treading the pedals. The machines, besides, are furnished with pedals, so that they can be set in action either by electricity or by human strength. Finally, the electro-motor is so ingeniously contrived, that it will probably be found applicable to other things besides sewing machines.