Among minor points of interest, which we may look upon as beginnings of a system under which men and women will increasingly co-operate with each other in the philanthropic and social work of the day, we may mention the admission of ladies among the Governors of Christ's hospital, where hitherto Her Majesty has been the only woman among the governors; and the appointment of a lady as Adjutant to the London Corps of Commissionaires, whose duty it is to look after the (lOncerns of the widows and orphans belonging to the society. Also the organization -of the Junior Reform Club in Manchester, which renders women admissible as members. is an instance of the growing conviction among Liberals that liberal thought and action cannot really make progress unless the women of the country .are associated with the men in spreading their opinions. Other smaller efiorts have been made to improve the condition of women. An evening college for working women was opened last March in Brompton. There is a reading room and library attached, and the prices are sufficiently moderate to bring the classes within the reach of all who have a sincere desire to improve themselves. A dispensary for women was opened during the early autumn in Edinburgh, of which Miss Jex-Blake is the medical attendant, and the number of patients gives convincing proof how great was the need which it is designed to meet. The Association for establishing Homes for young women engaged in business has been very active, and has opened more than one house in London.