Another member, more outwardly courteous, will begin his speech wit.h a compliment to the ladies of his acquaintance, possibly to his mother (a man is never in so g(;)od a position for decrying the whole female sex as when he has just acknowledged his obligat.ions to them). Having thus cleared his conscience he will proceed to demonstrate that the entire feminine pOJ?ulation with whom he is not acquainted are silly and tnfling, readt:rs of novels, not of newspapers, studiers of fashions, not of politics, unfit. to form an opinion on so momentous a subject as the election of their Honourable selves, the mightiest delibt:rative assembly in the world-a se1£- congratulatory sentiment which always elicits cheers from the gratified House, reminding one forcibly of the response which met O'Connell, when at a popular meetinghe asked, "Are you not the ijnest peasantry in the world 1" and "Weare I we are Y" was the delighted chorus. It is galling to the pride of men to think that