We have sometimes wondered why three or four ladies do not club together, one taking charge of the h01.:se-work, one doing the cooking, another the dressmaking for the rest, another perhaps occupied with her profession away from home during the day, but contributing her fair share to the home expenses and bomfort. Such a household would be infinitely happier than if it passed its days in the weary idleness now distinguishmg the lives of ladies. Solitary women have generally scanty means-they often need to club together to procure luxuries or even comforts, and how dreary are now many women's lives of indolent leisure and small incomes. where wan,t of money pre~ents any variety of amusement, extensIOn of educatlOn, or even much society, and where small worries and petty anxieties lill up the day. 1\Iany households, now straightened for money, would be able to Dlaintain themselves in comfort if the additional expense of hiring service could be avoided, and this might be done with comparatively small sacrifice of time, hut for the fancied gentility of donothingness. It is not given to every woman to be artistic or literary, or to have acquired business habits enough to earn her brea.d comfortably in a trade. These must Le acquired young, b,ut every woman could learn enough of simple household arts to .enable her to do her part in a community of housekeepin~ which we are convinced would bring interests to lIghten and vary her life, besides making the most of scanty incomes.