Provident League, a meeting was held on December 2nd in the schoolroom, Bishopsgate churchyard, for the purpose of explaining the objects and advantages of

Workin~ Women's Unions. Two resolutions in favour of conshtuting such unions were unanimousl~· adoptec:L The chairman, the Rev. 'Villiam Rogers, promIsed to use his local influence in support of the movement, and offered the free use of the schoolroom for further meetings. The speeches delivered were generally to the point, brief, and of a practical character. An employer of labour on a large scale l'ose to support some remarks made bv Mr. Adolphe Smith, to the effect that a union among women was necessar~ , so as to afford willing and kind masters a pretext for taking the initiative in raising the wages. However deeply they may deplore the ICJW rate paid for labour, and especially female labour, no one tradesman can alone pay a higher scale unless, at least., the majority of his competitors consent to similar terms; and a union on the part of the workers is about the only way, it was urged, of wringing this concession from the various trades for which women work.