In this chapter, the authors propose space, place and circulation as different ways of seeing the 'where' of media production. The lenses are intended not as absolute geographical categories, but rather as relational ontologies and epistemologies for exploring, investigating and critiquing the spatialities of media production practices. Thinking about media in terms of circulation depends on what W. Straw calls an anti-interpretive view of media. Instead of interpreting the social from within a media form's content, emphasis is placed on how media forms occupy and move through different social settings, including those associated with 'production'. Media and communication technologies have long been associated with the eradication of place and space: the 'annihilation of space by time'; the rise of 'despatialized simultaneity'; and the proliferation of 'non-places'. Media production practices, in other words, not only inhabit and make place, but also are positioned in and orient towards a symbolic and material space of possibility.