This chapter presents the theoretical framing of the homes of 'in-between' identities, which draws from the fields of critical mediatization theory and cultural gerontology and employs a critical approach to and definition of intimacy. It explores the notion of home as permeated by flows of bodies, as well as the categories of ageing with which our participants are confronted when using media. The also explores flows of bodies in the mediatized homes of the participant groups. It looks at how feelings of dependence relate to hook-up app use and the experience of depending on so-called 'warm experts'1 when using media. The chapter analyses how the categories of the 'silver surfer' and the 'daddy' shape media use, call out the ageing body and participate in the making of the mediatized home space. It shows how ageism works through these categories by supplying an ever-narrowing space of identification for age-marked bodies.