This chapter demonstrates the effect of multiple deprivations in local residential neighbourhoods in a study of Glasgow. Home-based factors can be broadly subdivided into material and cultural influences. Father's social class may capture part of any neighbourhood effect since social class measured at the level of the individual family is not independent of the social class in the area. At the school level, research into school effectiveness has combined data for pupils with data on schools and has increasingly made use of a multi-level specification. The Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC) report on the Future Strategy for Higher Education in Scotland noted concern over the low levels of school-leaver qualification for higher education in Strathclyde and Glasgow in particular. As early as the 1960s Glasgow had a policy of slum clearance in which vast areas of central city were cleared of buildings and people. Social class is represented by father's occupation (RGSC) scaled on the Registrar General's Occupational Classification.