Birthing ARTiculations: Paintings of Infertility, Loss, and Motherhood painting is one of the most meaningful for the author. The most likely culprits are her eggs. The rest of her body functions fine when it is pregnant; her husband has been tested and is in great shape. At the time she drew this, she wanted to capture her grief over losing her baby, but also her grief over realizing that 0/15 basically equals a loss of her fertility. The robin is both grieving mother and baby bird. She represents both author's heartache over her 15 embryos that will never be and the new possibilities that potentially will emerge from her shattered eggs. The IVF cycle has proved to be full of times of celebration, drama, and unease. Her egg donor made it through the follicle stimulation with no trouble. Her body also has been holding up its end of the deal, building up a nice thick uterine lining.