Tattoos are an expression of one's identity, an outward reflection of who the person is deep inside. While this assumption is not entirely incorrect, it's not exactly the truth. Sure, many people get tattoos to mark a significant event in their lives or to adorn their body with symbolic markings of their personality. In January 2002 the author best friend Sarah came to visit her while she was in town. She got first tattoo at a small shop in San Marcos. Mourning lost relationships was not healthy and decided it was time for a rebirth. She was also growing displeased with first tattoo. Though her forearm tattoo is in a visible location, since it's on the inside of her arm, it often goes unseen. However, this half-sleeve is readily visible. With the acquisition of this ink, she became a visibly tattooed woman. After acquiring these seven tattoos from four artists over ten years, she thinks that she becoming a collector.