The El Riego phase produced more kinds of structures, but these might well have also appeared in the Oaxaca caves had the sample been larger. In addition to cordage, knotted netting, and coiled basketry with interlocked stitches, El Riego phase structures included two varieties of looping, weft-twining, warp-faced plain weave and two varieties of coiled basketry, one with noninterlocked and one with twined stitches. In addition to cordage, knotted netting, and coiled basketry with interlocked stitches, El Riego phase structures included two varieties of looping, weft-twining, warp-faced plain weave and two varieties of coiled basketry, one with noninterlocked and one with twined stitches. Miniature baskets, like other miniature artifacts, have several possible functions: as children’s toys, as trial pieces, or for ceremonial or other special purposes. Alternatively, a plaque-like piece of the sort found at Guila Naquitz might have served as a lid or cover for a small-mouthed container.