This is a little book with a little message being blown through a large horn with a loud noise. Hodder works from three basic premises: (a) the archaeological record is to be explained by reference to the culture of the persons responsible for the production of the remains; (b) culture is conceived of primarily as idealistic, ideational, and ideological; and (c) culture is to be understood in terms of the volitionally negotiated actions of individual persons. In spite of much ranting and raving about the fallacy of accepting self-evident truth, these propositions are simply stated as self-evident and only violated by such duped or culturally misguided persons as positivists, processualists. Marxists, materialists, etc., etc. Post-processual archaeologists are considered to be enlightened individuals who clearly see the truth of such propositions and who have abandoned such false approaches to learning as science. These are some of this book’s tiny messages.