Apocalyptic thinking involves the anticipation of a coming confrontation that will result in a substantial transformation of society on a global and historic scale. Apocalyptic views in the United States have deep roots. Within Protestantism, the range of apocalyptic views is vast, with most mainline denominations also downplaying the significance of Biblical apocalyptic prophecy. Apocalyptic, millennialist, and dispensationalist thinking has greatly influenced Pat Robertson and other Christian Evangelical Rightists including Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, and Joyce Meyer. Christian Right support for Israel comes in many forms from lobbying Congress and the Administration to adopt pro-Israel policies, intervening in the foreign policy debate on the Palestine-Israel issue, and funding the immigration of Eastern European Jews to Israel. It is important to avoid stereotyping all evangelicals as backward, ignorant, uneducated, socially marginal, ultraconservative, fanatical, or dualistic. While many White evangelicals vote Republican, most do not vote and some are independents or Democrats.