In this chapter, the author analyzes Lenin's Tomb in Moscow as a dark site. However, labeling visitors to the Tomb as dark tourists is an oversimplification: generally speaking, they are typical cultural tourists without special interest in places of death and disaster. Travelling to places of death, pain, and disaster is one of the most important types of tourist activity. Tourists indeed enter the "other" space – it is cool, very quiet, absolutely different, and somehow "remote" from the boisterous Red Square. Most travel actions are now performed through the web. TripAdvisor is the most widely recognized, used, and trusted travel website. Subsequently, author conducted a discourse analysis of visitors' reviews on TripAdvisor, which serves as core material for the chapter inasmuch as interviewing tourists at Tomb was essentially impossible. The premise of author research was to elucidate what "dissonant heritage" represents in the particular case of Tomb.