URARA. (walking around on the stage) I want to be an actress who can perform on such a magnicent stage as this.

“O Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name;” KURUMI. “Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I’ll no longer be a Kepilet now.” URARA. (amazed) Ah … KURUMI. Romeo and Juliet, Act Two Scene Two. … URARA. Do you remember all the lines of Romeo and Juliet? KURUMI. Shakespeare is the very basics for all of us, isn’t he? NOZOMI. Sh, Shakes what? KOMACHI. Shakespeare was a world-famous poet and actor. His

most important works include Hamlet, KURUMI. Othello. KOMACHI. Macbeth. KURUMI. And King Lear. I think they are all great stories. KOMACHI. I hope we can talk about literature sometime. KURUMI. Then, how about discussing one of Shakespeare’s most

controversial plays, The Merchant of Tennis? KOMACHI: You mean The Merchant of Venice? KURUMI: Oh, we pronounce that word “tennis” down my place.