This chapter focuses on the opening sequence of a video call session between one of the trios to illustrate the enactment of the online interactional scenography. It aims to apprehend the process of enactment of the digital interaction scenography by focusing on one particular type of communication: video chat. In face-to-face interaction, the individual's body undoubtedly takes part in the enactment of the scenography and all the more so as communication is displayed not only through verbal language but through bodily expressions, guessed feelings, and observed behaviours as well. The importance of the enactment of the scenography resides in the multiplication of fronts and settings involved in digital interactions taking place remotely. Within digital interactions, speakers must index, through the technological interface, the physical fronts and settings items relevant to the conversation or to make them accountable via a verbal description. These techno-bodily constructed items participate in the enactment of the interactional scenography that participants engage in.