Whilst recognizing that all educational research has the potential to be sensitive, this chapter identifies fields where sensitivity might be heightened, including in terms of ethical issues. What may appear to the researcher to be a bland and neutral study can raise deep sensitivities in the minds of participants. The chapter defines sensitive research and what makes it sensitive. It raises issues of, and challenges in, sampling and access; it discusses ethical issues, effects of the sensitive research on the researcher and other parties, and practical issues in researching powerful, powerless and vulnerable people. It indicates the need for sensitive conduct of the research and consideration of the consequences of the research and whose interests are served by the research. It provides examples of conducting sensitive research, of asking questions and reporting results, and it provides practical advice on planning, conducting and reporting sensitive research. Behind sensitivity often lies the issue of power: who has it, who does not, how it circulates in research, with what consequences, and how it should be addressed. Sensitive educational research is often as much a power play as it is substantive.