This chapter describes what 'responsible-innovation' and it will also be the moment to point out criticisms concerning the wrong understanding or, more exactly, the shades of meaning of responsibility. The chapter explores the meaning of 'innovation-care', its principles and its uses for society, for the company and for the innovator. By its nature, innovation cannot be predicted. Even if a lot of surveys and market-studies are made before a new product or a new service is launched, there is no denying that it is only once the product is on the market that its outcome can be known. Responsibility within the innovation area has to be defined in another manner by listening to all its members, that is to say, a responsibility which reflects on the individuals the innovation can reach–be they customers, citizens, potential customer. In a conclusive moment, we shall be careful not to lose sight of the very essence of innovation according to Schumpeter: the economic performance.