This chapter examines a group of business enterprises such as the Mitsubishi Group, an important issue is how to look at enterprises, the members of said group. A currently popular approach in management science tries to unravel a firm by examining its internal organization. Between individuals there are such forms of relations as moral duty and human feelings, love and hate. The largest subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is Mitsubishi Motor Co. It was detached from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 1970 in order to go into partnership with Chrysler Corporation. Another joint venture is Caterpillar— Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi Light Metals Industries Co. is a company Mitsubishi Chemical split off in 1976 because of a business slump in aluminum refining, with additional financial support by Mitsubishi Metal Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, and other Mitsubishi affiliates. There has virtually been no case in which a Mitsubishi Group enterprise merged with a member of another enterprise group.