The main elements of privatization have been small-scale and large-scale privatization of enterprises. Privatization is a deeply political process, and resistance to privatization needs scrutiny. A large number of legal acts of legal acts, decrees, and the like, were issued, but it was only in 1996 that Parliament adopted a fully operative package of laws on privatization. The most active privatization of national state property took place in the Rivne and Khmelnitsky regions and in the cities of Kyiv and Sebastopol. Among the different privatization methods, leasing dominates, followed by employee buyouts, in the services sector, trade and public catering. The leaders of certain regions resisted small-scale privatization by setting low privatization targets and taking a long time to approve the lists of enterprises selected for privatization. With privatization, the number of privatized enterprises is steadily rising, and so is their effect on the economy and the economic system.