Low power television (LPTV) stations are essentially smaller versions of full power stations, most of them operating the same way for the same commercial purposes. The principal differences are determined mainly by their smaller base of potential viewers and, concomitantly, less advertising, which results in lower budgets. Some LPTV stations provide less service to their communities, some are able to provide more. In commercial LPTV stations, the sales manager is the most important person. Frequently, the sales manager is also the general manager of the station, inasmuch as sales is the key to the station's existence. Every LPTV station needs an engineer on call. Larger stations may have a full-time engineer. Others may have part-time technical personnel who show up only when there is a technical problem. The most important departments in low-power stations are sales, programming, and engineering. Many individually owned LPTVs are religious stations. Some are operated by a particular religious organization or association.