In South Carolina and certain other Southern states, the secession movement had moved more rapidly than it had in Texas. Texas contributed significantly to the Confederate military effort. Citizens and leaders of North and South quarreled over many issues states' rights, distribution of western lands, the tariff, and so on but it was the rancorous controversy over slavery that dominated public affairs In Colorado, Austin, and Fayette counties, Germans and some Anglo-Americans organized to resist the draft, but General Magruder declared martial law over the areas, arrested the leaders, and quelled open resistance. When Ben McCulloch, military commander representing the convention, led an armed force into San Antonio, Twiggs agreed to evacuate the 160 troops in San Antonio and surrender all federal property. Texans fought on every battlefront. Although the overwhelming white majority of Texans were loyal to the Confederacy, Union sentiment in Texas was very strong in some areas.