A feminist remix is a creative resistance and cultural production that talks back to patriarchy by reworking patriarchal hierarchical systems privileging men. Remix is an important strategy that feminists have used to challenge patriarchy and other systems of oppression and to pursue social justice. Feminist media theories have influenced feminist remix works, especially regarding stereotypes, gender portrayals, and what is privileged, absent, belittled, threatened, attacked, and erased in the media. A feminist remix subverts the limitations of gender social expectations in which women are marginalized and controlled by patriarchal norms. Cyberfeminists' works are concerned with gender, power, body, desire, identity, subjectivity, agency, and other related issues surrounding high and low tech, digital and bio-technology, as well as the environment and health. Intersectionality theory as an analytical tool in feminist remix works considers the multiple intersecting oppressions experienced by women of color, and other marginalized groups, such as those experiencing poverty, or those who identify as gender creative, transgender and bisexual.