This chapter aims to review the role of disability classifications in education and describe the international classification of functioning, disability and health for children and youth (ICF-CY) as a framework and taxonomy for educational practice. It illustrates applications of the ICF-CY in two countries for disability classification and proposes guidelines for applying the ICF-CY in inclusive education. In its interactional model the ICF-CY provides a comprehensive framework and taxonomy to describe disability in childhood enabling to separately document impairments of body functions and Structures, limitations/restrictions of activities and participation and the role of environmental factors. The ICF-CY has been recognised as a conceptual framework and classification system compatible with the state of art of conceptualisations of disability and with the ethical principles and statements that founded the inclusive school. The development of a set of key ICF-CY-codes related to the educational participation of students in order to be used as general organiser in the assessment and intervention processes.