C. Alexander also points out that the biggest challenge of all was "recreating a 'normal' or traditional classroom", as remote teaching does not allow a teacher to arrange the seating or organize students easily to do pair or group work. The teaching of English is being introduced to "ever more and ever younger children" and is now compulsory in primary education in many countries around the world. Teachers do find teaching via videoconferencing challenging. The videoconferencing in use on the project involves high-quality commercial videoconferencing equipment similar to that more commonly found in business videoconferencing contexts. Regular coordination, especially when synchronous, allows the teachers to build better rapport with each other and with the children and enables the two teachers to better work as a team. The materials that support the lesson plans are a combination of specially produced learning objects and materials that have been repurposed from existing websites, such as the British Council's LearnEnglish Kids.