Regular exercise is fundamental to the normal development of the human being. Physical activity and regular exercise strengthens muscles and bones, improves fitness levels, positively adapts metabolic and cardiovascular systems, enhances skill development, social interaction and awareness of others and above all, provides enjoyment, self-expression, satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment. Regular physical activity improves health and decreases the likelihood of many non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease (including hypertension, ischemic heart disease and stroke), osteoporosis and some forms of cancer. Unfortunately modern society is squeezing out the opportunities for people to exercise. The modern environment in which we live today is toxic to physical activity and as a result, physical activity and exercise is being slowly removed from our daily lives. As adults, parents and authority figures, it is up to us to make a change. We need to get physical activity and exercise back into the daily lives of people from all ages and all walks of life in as many ways as possible. This chapter will outline a range of physical activity interventions and their consequences. It will give some guidelines as to what is important when prescribing exercise for adults and children and how to make physical activity a lifetime pursuit.