This chapter returns to the work of Paulo Freire, which we discussed in Chapter 2.3. Here, we explore how his approach can be applied in practice and the broader Freire-inspired work of Popular Education. We look at how:

Authentic practice is based on the genuine participation of the community

Workers must seek out the Generative Themes within communities in order to harness the energy and passion to achieve social change.

Genuine participation will come about through engaging people in the critical examination of their lives and providing structures to support action on the themes that emerge

Community Development is understood as a Praxis, thinking and acting combined to achieve personal and social change

This approach to working with people acts as an antidote and stands as a critique of top-down approaches that seek to ameliorate symptoms and pacify people, rather than of empowerment that leads to change.

Freire, and more broadly Popular Education, provide a focused and intensive approach to development. It has been tried and tested in diverse global settings.