Evident by this journal’s name, eating disorders prevention has always been central to our mission. However, we have come up short in our goals, because in our 23 years in publication, only 12% of the articles have been related to prevention, by my count. That’s why I got excited when two “Last Word” prevention submissions appeared 4 days apart in January, 2015. As usual, I sent them off for peer feedback, but I was personally encouraged by the content. I thought the first article, “Accelerating progress in eating disorders prevention: A call for policy translation research and training” by S. Bryn Austin brought up some excellent points, and I so admire her work in this field that I felt fortunate that she sent the article to us. Therefore, I was a bit taken aback when I received Jonathan Mond’s extensive peer review, in which he wrote, “…this (approach) ignores the role of other possible interventions impacting health burden, namely, health promotion, early intervention and clinical management, and the integration of these with each other… any revision along these lines would make for a truly valuable and impactful contribution in my opinion.”