This chapter focuses on Dispositif a work choreographed by Alain Buffard in 2001, which is particularly representative of a trend led by male choreographers who affirm both an identitarian research on gender and sexuality and a subversive will or "militant dimension". Dispositif is an apparatus that includes a choreographic work and all the discourses that accompany it and are intended to guide its reception. Thus Buffard's statement: "The fact that he is a fag determines quite a few things". The condition necessitates a framework of control, conformity and effectiveness. "Dispositif, Good Boy and Good for take a militant stance in relation to institutionalized dogmas and normative power by the way they present the biological sex and certain aesthetic forms" says Buffard. Finally, if people set to one side for the moment what the cross-dressing signifies, what we are confronted with is neither an undifferentiated state of subjectivity nor an abandonment of fixed sexual identities in the motilities.