The progressive or liberation agenda is often presented as the 'true' or 'truest' understanding of Judaism or Christianity, because it is based in a cherished or core biblical text or set of texts. The passage from Kings is the first of a long litany that accuses the kings of Israel and Judah of apostasy because they worshipped other Goddesses and Gods in addition to Yahweh. The passage from Hosea continues the 'tradition' of vilifying those who worship other Goddesses and Gods alongside Yahweh. The prophet is both unfair and nasty in consideration of the religious practices of numbers of people of ancient Israel and Judah. Asphodel Long believed that telling history of the suppressed Goddesses within Judaism and Christianity would open the door for Christians and Jews to reclaim the divine as female. But obviously, this is a road not taken. Christians too have inherited anti-paganism, but have yet to engage in open criticism of Christian anti-paganism and anti-idolatry.